• chovný pes Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever

Enthony Comet Lucky Duckling

Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever stud male

Can you tolerate extraordinary? Tollerate us.

Evžen & Alžběta

Healthy, working and good looking Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever stud male and his crazy humom.

We became partenrs in the first half of the year 2020. Eventhough the plans were not very spectacular, our life turned out kind of adventurous. Starting with search and rescue training, ending with canicross – we are definitely not bored. Yet we enjoy the ordinary things such as walks the most.

Standing Evží

Evží is easy going and hardworker, loves all kinds of activities but doesn’t despises the day off. I am an enthusiast for (almost) every challenge, I do things at full bleast or I don’t do them at all, I can’t rest. We complement and motivate each other.

Because of Evží’s well-balanced temperament and good health we decided he’ll become a stud dog. We believe he has got a lot to pass on to the next generation. Him being a stud dog is not his main purpose, it’s only a nice bonus, therefore I don’t plan for Evžen to have countless offsprings. However a match that could benefit toller breeding would be honor. Here you can find the important informations but if you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me.

Tollerate us na sutině

We are members of

Toller klub
Retriever klub