Litter F Soyalas

On the night of the 16th to the 17th December the puppies from Evžen and Aquena were born. 5 boys and 2 girls are very lively and will soon go to their new homes.

Top Sport Toller 2022 certificate

Top toller 2022

Evžen was awarded the 4th place in category top sport toller.

Tritolwerk 2023

On 17-19th April we went for training to the Austrian Tritolwerk thanks to our trainer Lucia. It is a military training facility, a former munition factory, mostly used for disaster emergency training. It’s not easy to get there, so it’s been an amazing opportunity for us, for which we’re really grateful.
It’s a rubble Disneyland. A huge number of workplaces, each rubble different in some way, lots of tunnels,… Paradise!
We were there with our group Rubble lovers (Psovodi SDH Zvole), and some of us even came with the truck 🚒 that SDH Zvole lent us.
The place suited Evžen pretty well. He didn’t mind the challenging terrain, on the contrary, he was excited that every training session was in a new place that he could explore.
Every round we did a different technical exercise – deep hides, side hides, elevated hides, double hides, fakes, independence,… It just made sense and was incredibly beneficial.
I am extremely grateful for that opportunity and I believe that we made a step further.
Thanks to Lucia, Nikča, Domča, Martina, Kačka, all four-legged friends and colleagues from Slovakia who invited us there.

IRO testing

During Easter we took part of IRO testing in Červená Řečice, where we have passed our second test RH-T A. I was very happy with our work there as we had obedience for 98 and nosework for 192, overall score excellent. With this we can start with testing in the highest level B, wich I would like to pass this year.

Planned mating

If everything goes according to plan, Evžen has got planned mating for December 2023 in Austria in kennel Soyalas. More information about the dam and the kennel here. I won’t be writing more so I won’t speak too soon. Fingers crossed :)

New genetic tests results

We received very nice news from USA in the first week of June. We ordered another genetic tests in VGL UC Davis for Evží and I’m happy to announce the results.




update 11/2022: he also tested negative for the two of the new diseases



report id: 2967-6996-1855-5164

New family member

In the second half of November our new family member joined us. It’s FCR male Albert Einstein ArnyMia, call name Bertík. He is from working, international mating from breeder Jana Lásková. He is super sweet and good boy who loves everyone like a good flat. With Evží they got on very well and quickly. Bertík is mainly dog for my parents but I believe we are gonna have a lot fun all together.

Coffee and Evží

Coffee left us

4.10. early in the morning our FCR Coffee left us. She was in our family for almost 11 years. During that one year with Evží, she taught him the best. 

1.11.2010 – 4.10.2021 Black Coffee Rose Bohemian Ariston 🖤



19.9. we took part of OVVR (basic hunting exam for retrievers) Kařez and we completed one of conditions for becoming stud.

We got 222 of 232 points, our only mistake was that I didn’t catch the dummy when Evží retrieved it from water. Overall my boy worked very well. There were 21 retrievers (4 tollers), it was cold, drizzled and blew, so the conditions weren’t easy, but the atmosphere which was friendly and nice warmed us.

IRO testing event

IRO testing event

8.8. we passed our very first exam RH-T V during IRO testing event in Rapšach. For nosework we got 87 out of 100 points because I made some beginner’s mistakes, but Evží worked very well, he was concentrated, he was sure about what he was doing but he was still well manageable.

For the obedience we got 97 out of 100 points and I was satisfied with our performance. Evží did his best, he was keen and I could rely on him. He didn’t mind he didn’t get any reward whole test (almost 10 minutes). He was happy and felt rewarded when I was smiling on him during the test.

When we were on our way home I was pleased and happy what a great and reliable partner I have :)